On the global scene, Sustainable Food Security has been a threat to both developed and developing economies. There have been families suffering because of less food available or none at all resulting from various factors that cause food insecurity to be a challenge to many economies especially the areas of sub- Saharan Africa and other developing economies in South America, for example Brazil. Austerity measures have been put in place by many international and local organizations but still hunger persists affecting the life and productivity of concerned citizens. Hence, the objective of the study was to determine the contribution of Farmer Training Practices on Sustainable Food Security in Households in Migori County; Kenya. This study applied Correlation research design. Fisher’s model was applied to arrive at the sample size. The Structured questionnaire was applied on collection of primary data from Households of Migori County; Kenya. Pilot study was done on Rarieda Sub County, Siaya County; Kenya, hence enabled for testing of the reliability and validity of the research instrument. The study descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed by use of SPSS version 24 software and conclusion was; Farmer Training Practice had an influence on Sustainability of Food Security. The study recommended for the Counties to embrace the use of Farmer Training Practices with the reason, such practices improves Sustainable Food Security. The study recommended for further studies in other various counties using different methods of analysis and variables.
Key words: Farmer Capacity Building, Farmer Training Practices, Sustainable Food Security
CITATION: Ojungo, A. K.,Kadima, M. J., & Malenya, A. (2022). Farmer’s capacity building practices on sustainable food security among households in Migori County; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 646 – 660.
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