The study determined strategic factors adopted by Toyota Motor Corporation to gaining competitive advantage in Kenya. The researchers sought to investigate the impact of product distinctiveness and risk taking on attaining a competitive edge in Kenya. RBV theory and Schumpeter's Innovation Theory were utilised in the study. The research design employed was a descriptive survey. The participants in the study were 10 long-standing vehicle dealerships in Mombasa CBD, each with 90 sales reps. 45 sales reps were surveyed as part of the study. The study used stratified random sampling. The questionnaire was the study's principal means of gathering data. The study relied on secondary data gleaned from Toyota's website, newsletters, and the websites and newsletters of vehicle dealers, all of which are available in hardcopy and electronic form. An SPSS version 23 program was used to generate and evaluate the acquired data, which included descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means and standard deviations. The findings were given in the form of frequency, percentages, tables, bar graphs, and pie graphs. The respondents gave their agreement and the researcher agreed with them on how the data would be used and how the results would be published and distributed. The study indicated that Toyota Motor Corporation's strategic elements have a positive significant link with achieving competitive advantage in Kenya. According to the findings of the study, Toyota's innovativeness can be ascribed to the company's willingness to participate in and foster the development of new ideas and creative processes that may lead to the creation of new market opportunities. Toyota's product differentiation strategy, which includes designing and manufacturing vehicles of superior quality and design, may allow the corporation to gain a competitive advantage. As a result, Toyota has been able to establish a strong brand image that, when potential customers see it, conjures up visions of high-quality, long-lasting automobiles. The company is able to preserve its position as a market leader by developing a diverse range of automobiles for a variety of market segments and price points.
Key Words: Product Differentiation, Risk Taking, Proactiveness, and Innovativeness
CITATION: Tarmohamed, S. S., Mwenda, P., & Muli, S. (2022). Strategic factors adopted by Toyota Motor Corporation to gaining competitive advantage in Kenya: A case of Toyota Motor dealers in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (1), 765 – 781.
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