Strategic plan directs institutions to reach their destination and failure to successfully execute the plan leads to failure in achievement of organization goals and objectives. Public universities in Kenya play a major role in providing knowledge to students which is fundamental for a nation’s growth by enhancing realization of national goals. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of human resources on strategic implementation plan within public institution of higher learning in Kenya. The research was based on human resource development theory. The target population for the study was thirty-one committee members of public institutions of higher learning in Kenya while the sample was derived from purposive non probabilistic sampling techniques which was used to pick to best and two worst public institution of higher learning as per the 2019 webometric ranking. The research used descriptive research design and primary data gathered using questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS. The outcome from the findings were represented using tables, regression and correlation analysis that were tested and determined the effect of human resources on strategic implementation plan. The research findings indicated that human resources had positive and significant effect on strategic implementation among selected public institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The study concluded that the effect of human resources on strategic execution was statistically significant within institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The study recommended that management of institution of higher learning in Kenya should ensure that there are adequate human resources for effective strategic implementation plan.
Key Words: Human Resources, Strategic Plan Implementation, Public Higher Learning Institutions.
CITATION: Mecha, F. K., & Njoroge, J. G. (2022). Effect of human resources on strategic implementation plan within public institution of higher learning in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 53 – 62.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2249
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