The researcher studied on the effect of transformational leadership on employee job performance in the Water Resources Authority. The study was guided by the Bass’ four components of transformational leadership thus idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration as independent variables and employee job performance as the dependent variable. The study population was 400 employees of the Lake Victoria Basin Areas (Regions) in the Water Resources Authority out of which a sample of 200 respondents was selected using Taro Yamane Formula. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to select the respondents for the study then questionnaires were distributed to them randomly. The researcher used both primary and secondary data in this study. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires which were prepared and analyzed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. Secondary data was collected from library resources, journal articles and other published research papers mainly from online journals. Descriptive statistics like means, standard deviations as well as inferential statistics; correlations and regressions analyses were conducted. The findings established that there is significant positive influence of idealized, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration on employee job performance in Water Resources Authority. Therefore, transformational leadership constructs as used in this study are significant predicator of employee performance in Water Resources Authority. The study concluded that improvement of transformational leadership characteristics would results on an increase in employee performance in Water Resources Authority. The study recommended that the leaders of the water sector should embrace two-way communication and commit to creating an environment of trust that will boost employees’ confidence in the organization and enhance their performance. Further, leaders of the water sector should continuously provide employees with an inspiring vision and mission to increase employee efforts in meeting and achieving the set organizational goals and objectives.
Key Words: Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration
CITATION: Amwoma, C. A., Juma, D., & Miroga, J. (2022). Transformational leadership and employee job performance in the water resources authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 135 – 155.
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