The main objective of the study was to establish the influence of market mix modification and Product development on competitive advantage in automobile tyre distributors in Western Region in Kenya. Specifically it aimed to determine the extent to which market mix modification affects competitive advantage in automobile tyre distributors in Western Region and to assess how product development affects competitive advantage in automobile tyre distributors in Western Region. The study used porter's theory of competitive advantage and open system theory.The study was conducted using descriptive survey design with a target population of 100 distributors currently in Western Region from which a sample size of 80 respondents were drawn using simple random sampling method. Questionnaires were used to collect data after pilot testing them in Kisumu County with ten respondents who were not part of the sample. This study is of immense benefit to the automobile industry since they can now appreciate the role played by market mix modification and product development on the operational in competitive advantage of automobile tyre distributors in Western Region in Kenya. Other firms in related industries will now be able to make appropriate decisions on competitive advantage and their implementation to enhance growth. Automobile tyre distributors will use the results of this study especially on challenges experienced in the adoption and implementations of competitive strategies through their outlets. The study found that market mix modification and product development had a positive significant relationship on competitive advantage hence determinants of competitive advantage. The study recommended that automotive tyre distributors should improve their markets and develop their products.
Key Words: Market Mix, Product Development
CITATION: Maelo, C. N., Miroga, J., & Juma, D. (2022). Influence of market mix modification and Product development on competitive advantage in automobile tyre distributors in Western Region in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 222 – 232.
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