The innovations strategy is very important in encouraging advancement of technology for effective service delivery to improve performance. This is very vital for firms that need to achieve competitive advantage and firm performance. The specific objective was to assess the relationship between marketing strategies and firm performance of Equators Bottlers Company limited in Kisumu County. The study adopted descriptive and correlation research design. The study target population composed of 845 employees working in Equators Bottlers limited in Kisumu County. The sample of 387 employees who were chosen by stratified random sampling method. The study used research questionnaire in data collection. The conclusion of study showed that marketing strategies had no significant effect on firm performance which was commonly adopted by the firm through decreasing price wars. The study recommended that Bottlers should improve marketing strategies on firm performance. The suggestion for future research should be put forward on the effect of other strategic marketing strategies on organization performance in other organizations.
Key Words: Marketing Strategies, Firm performance
CITATION: Otiso R. J., (2022). The effects of marketing strategies on the firm performance of Equators Bottlers Limited company in Kisumu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 779 – 788.
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