Personal development planning being an element of Performance Contract has dominated Service Delivery policy agenda in both developed and undeveloped economies for more than a decade; hence Africa as a continent has gradually adopted its own policy agenda in both private and public sector organizations. Performance contract as a measure of an outcome of an enterprise raises the comparative understanding of how companies work along with performance of any given organization; hence the elements of performance contract should be availed with proper leadership. Most of public organizations are services oriented and hence measuring the Service Delivery of such organizations is a bit complex, however, use of Performance Contract is of help to the management. Hence, the purpose of the study was to examine the effect of Personal development planning on Service Delivery in the County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. This study applied descriptive survey research design. The study used a structured questionnaire on collection of primary data from the County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. Pilot study was done on the County Government of Bungoma; Kenya, hence this enabled for testing of the reliability and validity of the research instrument. The study descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed by use of SPSS software version 24, further; a regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables. The results of the findings indicated Personal development planning influenced Service Delivery of the County Government of Kakamega; Kenya. The study recommended for County Governments to embrace the use of Personal development planning since it improves the Service Delivery. The study recommended for further studies on the same considering same variables but different methodologies
Key words: Personal development planning, Performance Contracting Leadership, Service Delivery
CITATION: Barasa, J., Kadima, M. J., & Juma, D. (2022). Personal development planning and service delivery in county governments, A case of county government of Kakamega; Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 862 – 872.
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