Performance at the work place is one of the most important areas of concern in human resource management. Based on this understanding, working conditions and psychosocial environments are regarded as being equally important in determining both the individual and organizational performance. It has been established that employees report that work environment is a significant source of employee stress and they typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday. Workplace bullying has become a problem that is too costly to ignore and is a serious problem causing substantial damage to the employees and the organization. The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of workplace bullying on employee performance in the civil service in Kenya. The target populations of the study was 450 employees of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, State department of Education, headquarters. A sample of 82 respondents was used for the study. Stratified sampling method was used to collect primary data through the use of questionnaires. The secondary data was obtained from published documents such as journals, periodicals, magazines and reports to supplement the primary data. A pilot study was conducted for data collection instruments. The data was analyzed with help of SPSS version 21 and Excel. The study adopted regression analysis at 5% level of significance to determine the strength and direction of the relationship of the variables under study. The analysis showed that leadership style had the strongest positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.001) influence on employee performance. In addition, work environment, supervisor support and job design are positively correlated to employee performance (Pearson correlation coefficient =.661, .653 and .732).The study recommends that there is need to create a conducive working environment and effective leadership style so as to enhance employee performance in a work environment devoid of bullying. The researcher calls for further studies to be undertaken in Kenya on workplace bullying for generalization of the findings of this study.
Key Words: Workplace Bullying, Employee Performance, Civil Service, Work Environment, Supervisor Support, Job Design, Leadership Style
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i2.231
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