This study investigated the effects of working environment on performance of employees in public health sector in Nairobi County Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine whether physical work environment, supervisor support, psychological work environment and social work environment has influence on performance of employees in public health sector in Nairobi County Kenya. This study utilized the descriptive research design. The study population consisted of all the employees in Nairobi County, public health sector institutions totalling 4227. The data collection involved both primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data was sourced by use of questionnaires validity and reliability of research instruments was also ensured. The collected data was analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The study established that physical work environment, supervisor support, psychological work environment and social work environment had a positive and significant influence on performance of employees in the public health sector in Nairobi County Kenya. The study concluded that a positive work atmosphere improves efficiency and competitiveness while also being beneficial to one’s health. Support from supervisors has the greatest impact on creating unity, which is precisely what is required in modern, cross-functional, team-based environments. A positive psychological work environment gives an understanding of the relationship between organizational strategies and their personnel, as well as their impact on human behavior in the workplace, and as a result, a vision to examine why some strategies are more productive than others and that good organizational and social work environment management makes it easier to get the job done while defusing stressful situations. The study recommended that the public health sector in Kenya should design office environments to accommodate the varying tasks and the specific needs of the workforce. Supervisors should assist employees in achieving their goals and improving their abilities by serving as a point of contact between top and middle management. The public health sector in Kenya should reflect conditions that support cooperation between superiors, subordinates and those who have the same position in the organization. The management of the public health sector in Kenya should consider social environment in their organization which will help to improve home life interferences with responsibilities at work such as getting to work on time.
Key Words: Work Environment, Supervisor Support, Psychological Work Environment, Social Work
CITATION: Kiiru, D. K., & Kiiru, D. (2022). Work environment and performance of employees in public health sector in Nairobi City, County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1301 -1317.
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