This study determined the effect of strategic leadership on performance of safety management system in aviation industry in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. The study used primary data collected from the aviation service providers using structured questionnaires. It also utilized secondary data collected from publications of aviation authorities as well as from the respective services providers’ journals and websites. The study involved a census of the managers in all the aviation service providers registered in Kenya. One hundred and thirty-two questionnaires were distributed corresponding to the total number of organizations registered as aviation service providers under the Kenya Civil Aviation (Safety Management) Regulations, 2018. Prior to the actual study, a pilot study was conducted using twenty (20) questionnaires and the results used to edit and modify the questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistical approaches were used to analyse the data collected from the respondents during the actual study. To accomplish this, the data was coded, assigned labels to variables categories and entered into the computer. Qualitative responses were analyzed using content analysis. The descriptive technique involved generation of frequencies, mean and percentages while inferential analysis technique involved establishing significant linear association amid the predictor variable and response variables. Pearson’s correlation analysis and regression analysis was performed under the inferential analysis. The analysis of variance F-statistic was used to test the research hypothesis. The data was presented using tables, graphs, and charts. In Kenya's aviation business, strategic leadership has a positive significant link with the performance of the SMS. The report proposes that firms employ strategic leadership in order to achieve critical strategic ventures.
Keyword: Performance of Safety Management System, Strategic Leadership
CITATION: Thendu, B. K., Kariuki, P., Muturi, W., & Wanjohi, P. (2022). Effect of strategic leadership on performance of safety management system in aviation industry in Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1479-1488.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i2.2349
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