A lot of research has been done on JIT use in manufacturing industries in the developed countries. However, there is limited research done on JIT implementation in manufacturing industries in the developing countries. For example, in Kenya limited research has been done on the role of JIT in realization of an efficient supply chain management in cooking oils manufacturing industries in Kenya. The aim of this study was to determine the role of JIT in realization of an efficient supply chain management, to determine the role of continuous improvement, to establish the role of inventory management, to ascertain the role of quality management and to evaluate the role of supplier relationship management in realization of an efficient supply chain management in Bidco Oil Company. The research was carried out through a cross-sectional research survey design whereby the target population comprised of Bidco Oil Company top management and staff. The study used stratified random sampling and simple random sampling where 10% of the target population representative of the entire population was studied. A Questionnaire with close-end questions and likert scales was used as the research instrument by being administered to the respondents and collected after due completion by the researcher. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 21) frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and regression analysis. The study findings revealed that the employed continuous improvement, inventory management, quality management and supplier relationship management significantly affect supply chain management efficiency. The conclusions from the study indicated that continuous improvements followed by supplier relationship management are the major factors affecting efficient supply chain management. Recommendations of the study included; improvement on the level of minimization of non-value adding work, application of inventory management techniques based on economic order quantity, integration of quality management techniques in the production processes and finally adoption of effective supplier management techniques in the supply chain to enhance efficiency.
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