The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of project management practices on sustainability of corporate social responsibility projects funded by Safaricom Company. The target population comprised of 160 employees from all departments found in Safaricom PLC Coast branches. This study adopted descriptive research design. Given that the study population was relatively small (N < 160), the study did not use any sample technique but instead adopted a census design. Census approach, therefore, afforded a more extensive and detailed study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data from respondents. Secondary data was obtained from related materials in the internet, project management journals, white papers, periodicals and books relevant to the study. The data was collected, processed and analyzed with respect to the study objectives, using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The tool of analysis used for this study was Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to produce descriptive and inferential statistics. F-tests were employed to test the significance of the overall model while the significance of each specific variable was tested using T-test. The study showed that all the four project implementation determinants namely project planning, project communication, project stakeholder management and project monitoring positively affect sustainability of corporate social responsibility projects funded by Safaricom Company. The study recommended that CSR project teams be involved in all projects at all stages of the projects’ lifecycle. It should be made policy for multi-disciplinary teams to drive the leadership agenda throughout the projects’ life-cycle. The study also recommended that it would be appropriate for management to set up project plan so that costs can be reduced in a project. This would also improve proper resource allocations in the CSR project. It was also recommended that project assessment should be regularly done to ensure project goals and objectives are achieved.
Key Words: Project Planning, Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, Project Monitoring, Corporate Social Responsibility
CITATION: Waindi, W., Kitheka, S., & Ogolla, P. (2022). Project management practices and sustainability of corporate social responsibility projects funded by Safaricom Company in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 36-57.
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