Rwanda just hosted a successful Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the first since the pandemic struck and the 6th ever held in Africa. The road to CHOGM 2022 was far from smooth, with the meeting being postponed twice (2020 and 2021) due to the Covid-19 pandemic and other pandemic-related challenges that further complicated preparations. Other dynamics came into play in the run-up to the Summit – notably the unprovoked shelling of the Rwandan territory by the Congolese army and the genocidal FDLR militia, which partly sought to suck Rwanda into an internal DR Congo crisis and possibly derail CHOGM preparations. Nonetheless, thanks to the government's commitment to host a successful CHOGM, with support from the private sector and other actors, the meeting has taken place seamlessly, attracting thousands of delegates from around the world. And the wide range of rich deliberations held during a series of forums and side events in the lead-up to the Heads of Government’s Executive Sessions and Retreat ensured that the conversations at this year's CHOGM edition were not only inclusive but also tackled relevant and most pressing global challenges. The fact that Rwanda has been able to host is also a vindication of H.E. President Paul Kagame's long-term vision (including turning Rwanda into a MICE hub), which has since transformed Rwanda into an active player on the global scene. Going forward, it's now up to the people of Rwanda to step up and match the country's vision by making use of the most of the opportunities it continues to deliver.
Key Words: Sustainable Development, Rwanda, CHOGM, Kigali
CITATION: Rwigema, P. C. (2022). Commonwealth heads of government meeting (CHOGM) on sustainable development in Rwanda. 20th – 25th June 2022: expert perspective. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 113-135.
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