The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of marketing penetration strategy on performance, to establish the effect marketing development on performance and to determine the effect of diversification strategy on performance. The study was guided by Igor Ansoff’s Theory and Resource Based Theory. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study target population was 117 which constituted of top level management, middle level management and support staff. The study sample population was 90 respondents. Data collection was primary and therefore the researcher administered questionnaires, which was considered as an effective tool for the respondents. A pilot test of the questionnaire was undertaken before administration of the questionnaire. Reliability and validity test was carried out on the data collection instruments. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics version 21 of the SPSS program. Findings of the data was in the form of percentages, means and standard deviation. Analysis of data was presented in the form of tables and figures. The main beneficiaries of the study were the recruitment agencies in general. The findings revealed that there is an existing relationship between marketing strategies on performance of recruitment agencies, pooled correlation and regression analysis. There is a positive correlation between market penetration strategy and performance of recruitment agencies, r (54)=0.462, p<0.001, a strong positive correlation between market development strategy and performance of recruitment agencies r(54)=0.561, p<0.001, and a positive correlation between market diversification strategy and performance of recruitment agencies r(54)=0.465, p<0.001. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended the significance of conducting background check of all candidates before forwarding suitable names to various employers. Moreover, they should properly utilize the marketing strategies so as to be in a position of selling their brands and be known by their employers.
Key Words: Marketing Penetration Strategy, Diversification Strategy, Market Development, Performance of Recruitment Agencie
CITATION: Guchu, S. W., Kimani, G., & Obunga, F. (2022). Effects of marketing strategies on performance of recruitment agencies in Nairobi County; A case of Starehe Sub-County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 96-112.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i3.2356
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