Water projects all over the world have been started so as to solve challenges facing water availability. Various agencies like Government, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and donors have for a long time been committed to building water projects like building dams, boreholes, and wells. However, fewer projects experience successful completion and more so within the budget owing to the fact that water project stalled and collapsed. This therefore, led to continuous shortage water, particularly in the rural and slum areas of Kenya. Budget planning is necessary for project success. Many studies have been carried out on the influence of budget planning on projects implementation, but the main focus has been on project management practices and project performance. This study sought to fill this knowledge gap. The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of budget planning on implementation of water projects. Cash management theory guided this study. The study used descriptive survey design. Data was collected by use of self-administered Questionnaires. The study targeted 440 respondents and the sample size were 131. Pre-test study was administered to 18 respondents of Kajiado County to test the reliability and viability of the instruments. Data was collected through administration of a questionnaire. Regression results showed that budget planning was significant on implementation of water project with the F statistics value of 49.64, and P-value of 0.000. Technology integration (moderating variable) was found to have an influence on the relationship between budget planning and implementation of water projects. In conclusion, therefore budget planning influenced implementation of water projects. The study recommended that water trust funds and other institutions funding water projects can replicate the findings of this study to improve on accessibility to safe and clean drinking water in other counties.
Key words: Budget planning, Implementation, water projects
CITATION: Rotich, E. C., Mukulu, E., & Nyang’au, S. P. (2022). Influence of budget planning on implementation of water projects in Bomet County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 247-256.
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