The purpose of this paper was to provide understanding about the strategic use of information privacy for organizational sustainability and also examine the relationship between information privacy and organizational sustainability. The baseline theory for this study was the restricted access and limited control theory (RALC), while the method used was the secondary methods where literatures were reviewed. The study findings revealed that, the strategic use of information privacy is vital for organizational sustainability as it protect individual’s personal information from malicious users and boosts the confidence and trust the customers have for the organization. The study also found that administrative control and technical control have huge impact on building information privacy protection to achieve organizations sustainability that was measured by corporate reputation and stakeholder’s satisfaction. The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between information privacy and organizational sustainability as well as the dimensions to the measures of the study. Based on the findings and conclusion, the study suggested that organizations and business firms should adopt strong administrative control and technical control as their strategies of ensuring information privacy protection in organization as it positively influence organizational sustainability, which can enable them achieved corporate reputation and stakeholder satisfaction.
Keywords: Information privacy, organizational sustainability, administrative control, technical control, policy implementation, training, use of contract, access control, authentication, authorization, encryption, corporate reputation and stakeholder’s satisfaction.
CITATION: Bestman, A. E., Chinyere, J. O., & Adebayo, A. A. (2022). Strategic use of information privacy for organizational sustainability. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (3), 517 - 527.
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