This study established the influence of corporate restructuring on organizational performance of Tier three banks in Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted where a census survey of all banks was conducted using a self-administered structured questionnaire to collect data. The respondent from each bank were purposively selected. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23. There was a statistical significance relationship between corporate restructuring, and performance. The results showed that corporate restructuring significantly influence performance. The null hypothesis was therefore rejected. It was concluded that corporate restructuring influences performance of Tier 3 banks in Kenya. Based on these findings, it was recommended that banks perform continuous review of corporate restructuring strategies to include other external and internal factors that may interfere with financial products in order to reassure their market share and satisfactory reevaluate and update their technology to produce new innovations or products that may increase their customer share, and tailor their organizations goals in a way that suits their leadership styles.
Key Words: Corporate Restructuring, Banks in Kenya
CITATION: Machini, K. W., Senaji, T. A., & Mbithi, M. (2022). Influence of corporate restructuring on the performance of tier three banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 42 - 54.
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