The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of strategic leadership practices on performance of telecommunication firms in Kenya. The study focused on Telkom Kenya, Mombasa branch. This study employed descriptive research design and the population of interest comprised of 70 staff drawn from Telkom Kenya, Mombasa branch. The study adopted simple random sampling technique to derive the sample size. Statistical formula of Slovins was used to get a sample size of 60 respondents. Data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires. Collected data was checked for correctness and analysed quantitatively by use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 tool. Descriptive analysis was determined by use of mean and standard deviation while regression analysis was determined by model summary, ANOVA and regression coefficients. Correlation analysis was also computed to determine the nature of relationship between the variables. Out of the 60 questionnaires administered, 58 were returned and found usable questionnaires, representing 96.7% which was adequate for the study. The study revealed that strategic leadership practices analyzed through the dimensions of strategic direction setting, strategic articulation, intelligence leadership and strategic alignment were significant and positively related to performance. The study revealed that the vision statement of the company is regularly reviewed to ensure its realistic and dynamic. The management of the company communicates the moral purpose across the company and they have set organizational goals which are achievable and realistic. The study concludes that the company has a written mission statement to provide purpose to the company and the management communicates goals of the firm to all employees through strategic conversations. The managers constantly talk to the staff about where the company is heading and how they can contribute to the company’s journey. The study recommends that the management should holistically engage employees in an endeavor to promote behavior change. The management should design effective incentives capable of inculcating cultural shift on employees necessary for the goals achievement. The company employees should be motivated to adhere to the company procedures so as to stimulate productivity. This could be realized through employee needs and organizational goals alignment.
Key Words: Direction Setting, Strategic Alignment, Strategic Intelligence, Strategic Articulation
CITATION: Mwasiri, S. A., & Muchiri, H. (2022). Influence of strategic leadership practices on organizational performance at Telkom Kenya Limited, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 108 - 125.
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