The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between human resource management practices and employee job satisfaction in Kenyatta University. The specific objectives of the study were to; find out if there is a relationship between reward system, training, communication and recruitment and employee job satisfaction in Kenyatta University (KU). The total population of the study comprised of one thousand and eighty (1080) employees working in various departments. The population thus consisted of employees who are in job groups 5-15. The study employed proportionate sampling technique to select the sample size of one hundred and seven (107) respondents for the study. The study used questionnaires and interview guides to collect data from the respondents. A 5 point Likert scale and the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS- Version 22.00) was employed. The data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages and mean) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression Analysis). Correlation and multiple regression analysis were undertaken to determine and explain the relationship between the variables. Tables, pie charts and other graphs have been used appropriately to present the data collected for ease of understanding and analysis. The study found that reward systems, training, communication and recruitment affect employee job satisfaction in KU considerably. The study concluded that there are many factors that may enhance job satisfaction of employees like working conditions, work itself, supervision, policy and administration, advancement, compensation, interpersonal relationships, recognition and empowerment. The study recommends that the reward system in the University needs to be reviewed to make it more equitable. The employees of the Institution from different cadres should be involved in continuous training, coaching and mentoring in order to enhance their skills, competency and quality professional development which will in turn lead to more professionalism, professional expertise in their work and also increased satisfaction. For effective exercise and achievement of the organization objectives, leadership and management commitment in internal communication should be embraced in order to give directive of the common objective of the Organization in all departments. The University need to employ various job placement strategies in recruiting staff such as use of commissioning recruitment agencies.
Key Words: Human Resource Management Practices, Reward System, Training, Communication, Recruitment, Job Satisfaction.
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