The inadequacy of capital in the hospitality industry in Nairobi City County has been a challenge that has affected its operations. Thus, the study examined factors that influence the choice of split of equity capital structure in hospitality industry companies in Nairobi City County. The study adopted the explanatory research design. The target population of the study was 36 hotels and restaurants within Nairobi County with a 50/50 equity structure or 2 owners. The sampling frame was 72 directors and 144 managers. Data was collected using the questionnaires. The correlation results showed that a positive and significant association exists between shared responsibilities, capital share, business relationship, business value and split of equity capital structure. The regression results established that shared responsibilities and split of equity capital structure are positively and significantly related (β=0.155, p=0.001). Equally, the regression results established that capital share is positively and significantly related to the split of equity capital structure (β=0.144, p=0.004). Business relationship and split of equity capital structure are positively and significantly related (β=0.467, p=0.000). In addition, the business value is positively and significantly related to the split of equity capital structure (β=0.242, p=0.000). The study concluded that shared responsibilities, capital share, business relationship and business value are positively and significantly related to the split of equity capital structure. It was recommended that owners of a business may settle on a 50/50 equity sharing based on each partner's roles and responsibilities. The shared responsibilities should be based on time investing, intellectual property and industry expertise. The split of equity capital structure should be based on the capital share. Moreover, the study recommended that the split of equity capital structure should be guided by business relationships. The business value should be guided by the business's balance sheet, market share and capitalization. The organization should look for strategies that will enhance the business value since value expands visibility in the market and expands its market share. It was recommended that future studies can be done on other sectors other than hospitality industry companies. Future studies can examine whether ownership structure and type of the business can influence the split of equity capital structure. Conducting the studies in diverse firms will intensify comparison for effective decision-making.
Key Words: Business relationship, Equity capital, Share Capital, Shared responsibilities & Business Value
CITATION: Dichosa, E. I., & Weda, C. (2022). Factors influencing split of equity capital structure among hospitality industry companies in Nairobi County Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 544 - 558.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2428
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