As technology advances with time, ICT standards have become a critical factor for governments. There has been a growing trend in automation of government services which has made it to become a large consumer of ICTs. To ensure economies of scale and coherence in the acquisition, development, deployment and management of ICTs. The government has realized the need for ICT standards as a measure for regulating the ICT sector. The study adopted descriptive research design and target population of 150 key top management technical staff within ICT authority that consisted of ICT directors and ICT officers, network administrators, systems administrators and information security officers. A sample size of 110 respondents was selected through simple random sampling method from the target population of 150 employees at ICT Authority. Primary data was collected by the use administered questionnaire, interview guide and secondary data from Authority materials and records. The questionnaires were reviewed and evaluated for content validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics was utilized in the analysis of data and presented by means of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V25). This was in the form of graphs, tables and charts while qualitative findings were presented thematically. The findings revealed that ICT policy standards as a factor is statistically significant to the influence of ICT standards on the performance of the ICT Authority projects. The study recommends that appropriate ICT governance structures in the form of an approved ICT policy should be put in place so as to ensure there is improved performance of ICT Authority projects.
Key Words: ICT Standards, Policy structure, Stakeholder engagement, Policy alignment, Vision 2030
CITATION: Gathuru, C. W., Muchelule, Y., & Mwalili, T. (2022). Influence of ict standards on performance of ICT authority projects. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 559 - 567.
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