This study investigated the impact of strategic change management approaches on organizational performance in Nairobi city county, Kenya's DT SACCOs. The specific objectives were to investigate how organizational learning, communication, leadership, and stakeholder involvement affect the performance of Kenyan DT SACCOs. Theory of Resource-Based Viewing Organizational Change and Performance: The Burke-Litwin Model, Kurt Lewin is a well-known psychologist. Lewin and Lippitt's Phases of Change and the Three-Step Change Model anchored the study variables. The data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and a descriptive study methodology was used. All 42 DT SACCOs in Nairobi City County, Kenya, made the target audience. A total of 126 employees working in the targeted societies made up the observation unit. The study utilized a simple random sampling method. To assist in data analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26 was utilized to help generate tables and figures. The relationship amongst variables was depicted in a regression line. The results on leadership change on organization performance indicated that to highlight the need for change, SACCO leaders generate a feeling of urgency. According to the findings, the organization recognizes, involves, and supports team leaders in the introduction and execution of change to a large level. The vast majority of respondents strongly agreed that the organization valued teamwork's role in change management and so enables such groups. The study found that, to a large extent, the SACCOs' communication strategies were effective in ensuring speedy, clear information conveyance. To improve organizational performance, changes in all departments must be implemented on a frequent basis in modern company in order to satisfy stakeholders. In order to inspire and encourage people, managers should display strong leadership throughout the business by spreading proper decision-making and leadership tasks.
Key Words: Organizational Learning, Communication, Leadership, Stakeholder Involvement
CITATION: Nderitu, L. W., & Kiiru, D. (2022). Strategic change management practices and performance in of deposit taking savings and credit co-operative societies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 647 – 666.
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