This study determined what effect stakeholder management has on project performance. The focus was to specifically assess the effect of contract management, communication management and conflict management on performance of projects funded by County Government in Nyeri County. The theory of performance, expectancy theory and stakeholder theory anchored the study. Related literature was reviewed. The study targeted population comprising all the projects funded by County Government of Nyeri County for the years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 which are 53 according to data from County Government of Nyeri. A sample size of 212 respondents comprising 53 members of general public, 53 project officers, 53 project staffs and 53 contractors were drawn using cluster sampling technique. Descriptive research design was used. Data collection was done by way of a questionnaire and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha computation done to test for reliability with validity test done through seeking the opinion of the supervisor. For data analysis, SPSS software was used and both inferential and descriptive analysis conducted. Presentation of findings was through tables. The findings revealed that all the three independent variables namely contract management, communication management and conflict management positively and significantly influenced performance of projects funded by County Government in Nyeri County. Communication management had the greatest influence on projects funded by County Government in Nyeri County, followed by Conflict management and finally Contract management. It was recommended that stakeholder management is critical and hence the government must ensure the aspect of stakeholder involvement is adequately covered during the feasibility study of the intervention. To boost transparency and accountability of the project management the study recommended that the channels, format, frequency and responsibility of sharing of the progress report to the stakeholders be well defined during the conception stages of the intervention. The study further recommended that project management must change their reactive approach on occurrence of conflict but rather adopt a proactive approach in determining the highly susceptible issues and identify possible solution.
Key Words: Contract Management, Communication Management, Conflict Management
CITATION: Gichimu, E. M., & Mutuku, D. (2022). Stakeholder management and performance of county government funded projects in Nyeri County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 761 – 774.
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