Judiciary as defender of laws and societal integrity plays an important role in good governance. The 2010 Kenyan Constitution guarantees judicial independence. Its independence is vital in the fight against bad governance and corruption. Many people's experiences, however, fall far short of this ideal. Lack of transparency and accountability, equity, inclusivity, and citizen involvement have been identified as major impediments to the judiciary's independence in carrying out its duty.
The main aim of the study was to assess the
role of governance practices on judicial system service delivery in Kenya. With specific objective to assess the
role of citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency on judicial system service delivery in Kenya.
In order to meet the overall objective and test the study hypotheses the study adopted Cross sectional research design. The target population of this study was 4,536 comprising of 7 Supreme Court judges, 29 Court of Appeal Judges, 96 High Court Judges, 497 Magistrates/Kadhis and 3,904 judicial staff. Stratified sampling technique was used to select a sample of 100 judicial staff in Kenya. Primary data was collected from 100 judicial staff in Kenya which yielded a response rate of 100%. The independent variables attributed examined in the study were citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency. Descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data which was summarized using figures and tables. Correlation analysis was used to examine the strength of the relationship between governance practices and judicial system service delivery in Kenya and regression analysis was used to examine the nature of the relationship between governance practices, judicial system service delivery in Kenya and moderating role of political influence. Prior to regression analysis tests for various assumptions were carried out. On overall 75.7% of the variation in judicial system service delivery in Kenya can be explained by citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency while the remaining percentage can be explained by other factors excluded in the model. The findings of the study demonstrated that governance practices have effect on judicial system service delivery in Kenya
Keyword: Citizen Participation, Equity and Inclusiveness, Accountability, Transparency Judicial System Service Deliver
CITATION: Bakker, E. A., & Omwenga, J. Q.(2022). Role of governance practices on system service delivery in Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1131 – 1148.
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