This study investigated strategic change1management and1the National1Police Service performance in selected Sub Counties in Kiambu1County, Kenya. The study assumed a descriptive survey design that aimed at analysing strategic change on the performance1of the National1Police Service. It targeted a population of 1175 National Police officers who were based in Kiambu County, and a sample1size of 118 officers1was selected from1the target1population. The researcher adopted Cluster, and stratified sampling technique as well as simple random sampling to enable the adequate representation of officers across all selected sub-counties and ranks to allow the researcher to collect the desired data. This study made use of primary and secondary data. Primary1data was1collected by the use1of structured questionnaires. In contrast, secondary1data was1obtained from1published documents, including journals, periodicals, magazines, and police reports alongside official documents held within Kiambu County’s Police Headquarters. The validity1of the research1instruments was tested by use of the content validity formula by Yin (2003), where expert opinion was sought while the degree of consistency and accuracy was ascertained through Cronbach's Alpha to establish the research instruments’ reliability. The study used semi-structured questionnaires to collect quantitative data. The quantitative data was analysed via the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) after appropriate coding and clustering was done while qualitative data was thematically used to supplement findings of the quantitative analysis. The study presented results of the data analysis through graphs, pie charts, and frequency tables. Personnel management approaches were established as the most influential aspect of strategic change management on the performance of National Police Service. Therefore, the study made three recommendations including the need for continued recruitment and training of more personnel to join the service.
Key Words: command structure, information and communication1strategy, Human resource management
CITATION: Gachii, M. N., & Wambua, P. P. (2022). Strategic change management and performance of the national police service in selected sub counties, Kiambu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 821 – 842.
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