This study examined the relationship between knowledge reconfiguration and survival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the cross-sectional research survey design. The population for this study was twenty-two deposit money banks registered in Nigeria and operating in South–South. Primary data was generated through structured questionnaire. Census sampling was adopted because our population of study was not large. Hence, the entire population of 22 Deposit Money Banks was adopted as a census. However, the total respondents for this study were 154 Regional/Zonal Managers of the twenty-two Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria. The research instrument was validated by supervisors’ vetting and approval while the reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation while the partial correlation was used to test the moderating effect of nature of the environment. The tests were carried out at a 0.05 significance level. Findings study showed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge reconfiguration and survival of deposit money banks in South-South, Nigeria. Therefore, this study concluded that when deposit money banks in South-South, Nigeria undertakes knowledge reconfiguration, their survival is positively enhanced. Hence the study recommended that Deposit Money Banks should develop knowledge reconfiguration strategies by investment in human and material resources acquisition and development. They could also utilise approaches which involves incorporating external resources that the firm has not previously used, and integrating them with its internal resources.
Keywords: Agility, Flexibility, Knowledge Reconfiguration, Resourcefulness, Survival
CITATION: Onwualu, F. C., & Hamilton, D. I. (2022). Knowledge reconfiguration and survival of deposit money banks in South-South, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1176 – 1186.
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