In this competitive era, the higher education sector is primarily focusing on developing, motivating, attracting and retaining their employees to attain competitive advantage. Retention strategies should be put in place to attract, motivate and retain the employees to boost productivity in the organization. The general objective of this study, was to assess the relationship between total quality management and employee performance in public universities in Kenya, A case study of Kirinyaga university college, Kirinyaga County. The study adopted a case study research design. The study targeted 215 employees, from which a sample of 108 respondents were drawn for the study using 50 % of the target population, which included top management, middle management and lower level management. The sample was selected through stratified sampling techniques. The researcher collected data using both structured and unstructured questionnaires and also interview schedule. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools namely frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation, while inferential statistical tools such as correlation and regression were used to determine and explain variable relationship; through SPSS version 22 computer program. The findings revealed that there was a strong positive relationship which was statistically significant between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The study recommended that the management of the University train their employees in order to equip them with knowledge, skills, and abilities, to effectively and efficiently perform their duties adequately; the management should involve all the employees in decision making and in policy formulation and should ensure adherence to the quality policy and procedure in place. The study also recommended that the management should show commitment and support to all its employees achieved through better leadership style, involvement and participation and provision of adequate resources to ensure steady supply of goods and services in the organization. The management of the University and all the employees in general should have a transformative leadership style. Future researchers should focus on other variables that may influence successful implementation of total quality management. A similar study could be carried out in other organizations such as private universities to find out whether the same results will be obtained.
Key Words: Training, Quality Management Systems, Leadership, Employee Performance, Kirinyaga University
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