Economic empowerment remains a key milestone for governments globally in their effort to improve the quality of life for their citizens. Governments are determined to formulate policies, have structured transformative blueprints, skilled personnel and great leadership. Agenda four is panacea for economic empowerment to implement affordable homes, steer manufacturing, and create universal health care and a food secure nation. Kenyans and especially the youth that are economically productive, live in abject poverty as a result of lack of employability skills and initial capital for creation of self-employment. In reference to this effort, this study focused on exploring the entrepreneurial hands on skills in TVET and their effect on economic empowerment in Nakuru County, Kenya. It was carried out in Nakuru County based on 97 subjects (9 TVET heads, 25 tutors, 63 students from 9 selected TVET institutions in Nakuru County) where total response was 92 being 94.8%. Using purposive sampling technique Nakuru County was selected as the study area and employing stratified sampling technique the TVET institutions of 14% Mugenda and Mugenda, (2003) sampling technique was employed on the TVET students. Focus Group Discussion, questionnaires and in-depth interviews used for secondary and primary data, which thereafter was coded and analyzed respectively using (SPSS) version 23. TVET institutions should strive to inculcate more skills to the technicians rightly because such skills have been found to impact the economic absolutely. Campaigns on promoting local consumption are crucial. Ecosystem to increase demand for skilled labor export.
Key words: Economic Empowerment, Hands on Skills, TVET, Entrepreneurship
CITATION: Ciuri, M. G., & Njoroge, J. G. (2022). The effect entrepreneurial hands on skills on economic empowerment in technical and vocational training in Nakuru County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1487 – 1497.
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