This study examined the extent to which leadership influence performance of non–academic staff in public Universities. Accordingly, independent variable included leadership while the dependent variable was performance. The study was based on Contingency Theory. Descriptive research design targeting a population of selected non-academic staff in three chosen public universities that is; (UoN), (JKUAT), and (KU) was applied. The target population was 7403 non- academic staff .The sample size was 365 staff non -academic staff. The study used primary data collected from respondents through questionnaires, while Secondary data was collected from, publications, journals and websites and consistency of data collection instruments was ascertained through Cronbach alpha coefficient. The correlation between the independent and dependent variable was determined by the use of regression analysis. Data was coded; cleaned and analysed using SPSS software. Data was presented on tables. The study revealed that leadership had positively and significantly influenced employee performance. The study concluded that a good leader will ensure that employees are reminded of the organization's mission and principles, and that they are reminded to incorporate them into their everyday activities. The study recommended that in addition to practical experience on how to operate their departments, university administrators can demonstrate skillful use of their people-management abilities to keep workers involved.
Key Words: Leadership, Employee Performance, Public Universities
CITATION: Nderitu, M. W., & Bula, H. O. (2022). The influence of leadership performance of non– academic employees in public learning institutions. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1556 – 1564.
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