This research established the effect of human resource management practices on employee turnover among registered private security firms. Cross-sectional research design was used. The study targeted 261 registered private security firms that were used as the unit of observation. The study used Yamane’s formulae to determine a sample size of 158 security firms. The study used both primary (structured questionnaires) and secondary data with the aim of establishing the relationship between the study variables. The study relied on the 144 returned questionnaires which were analysed using SPSS version 27. The study found that there is a moderate positive and significant relationship between recruitment practices and employees’ turnover rate (r=0.304; p=0.025<0.05) and its improvement would also affect turnover rate (β=0.127; t=2.037; p=0.044). The study determined that there is a strong positive and significant relationship between employees’ turnover rate (r=0.667; p=.004<0.01) and its improvement would affect turnover rate (β=0.218; t=2.741; p=0.005). The study found that there is a moderate positive relationship between training and development and employees’ turnover rate (r=0.403; p =0.002 <0.01) and its improvement would affect turnover rate (β=0.173; t=3.045; p=0.003). On the final variable, it was determined further job placement significantly influences employees’ turnover (r=0.313; p= .021<0.05) but its improvement insignificantly contributes to turnover rate (β=0.125; t=1.263; p=0.225). Based on the study analysis, discussions and findings, the researcher concludes that security firms have an average of more than 118 employees, a turnover rate per year which translates to 0.1040, which implied that more than 12 employees are likely to leave these firms each year. The study concluded that HRM practices (recruitment practices, employees’ compensation, training and development and job placement) significantly and positively affects turnover rate if applied effectively. This study recommended the use of HRM practices in improving employees’ retention of security firms and capitalisation of human resources during times of global crisis and uncertainty. The study recommended the use of HRM policies for the actualisation of the competitive advantage for the security firms.
Key Words: Recruitment Practices, Employees’ Compensation, Training and Development, Job Placement
CITATION: Aduda, B. O., Omondi, A., & K’Obonyo, P. (2022). Influence of human resource management practices on employee turnover among registered private security firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1629 – 1650.
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