This study assessed the contribution of digital banking and mobile platforms on MFIs relationship with the customers of Goshen finance PLC in Musanze district. It had the following objectives: To determine the influence of Automated Teller Machine services on MFIs relationship with the customers, to assess the contribution of online banking service on MFIs relationship with the customers, to evaluate the effect of mobile banking service on MFIs relationship with the customers and to assess the level of satisfaction of Goshen Finance PLC customers in relation with digital banking during COVID-19 pandemic in Goshen finance PLC. This study was designed as qualitative, data were collected by using questionnaire. Information was gathered from 373 respondents among staffs and clients in Goshen finance PLC branched at Musanze district and analyzed by using SPSS software to get relevant information. After analyzing data from the field and computing them, findings revealed the following: that 100% of respondents agree that ATM services increase number of customers, 100% revealed that life improved through ATM services, 100% agreed that it increase competition , 85.2% of the respondent reported that ATM service reduce human intervention, 83.5% was the result of the respondents agreed that ATM helps to increase productivity, while 71.5% of the respondents reported that ATM services accelerate economic growth. The contribution of online banking service on MFIs relationship with the customers, the respondent revealed that 100% strongly agreed that, online banking increase the number of clients in all items have seen as the highest percentage because the client can use online for checking balance, deposit and withdraw money through mobile platforms of the Goshen finance called push and pull service this reduce the transport costs and time saving for the clients, results showed that 45% agreed and 36% strongly agreed that poverty reduction occur through transport cost eliminated and using the time in the other activities and benefiting jobs or other work as direct and indirect employment opportunities. Revealed that 43.2% of the respondent strongly agreed and 34.2 agreed that MFI can expanded due to using online banking. This implied that the online banking which is well managed may contribute positively to MFIs relationship with the customers. Also, findings showed that digital banking and mobile platforms play the roles on MFI relationship with the customers in Goshen finance PLC for the following percentage, 81% strongly agreed and 19% agreed that digital banking crucial important role to the clients for the time saving. And 93% of the respondents were satisfied during the COVID-19 for using digital banking. It is evidenced that there is significant relationship between digital banking and mobile platforms on MFIs relationship with the customers. Therefore, the MFIs relationship with the customer’s satisfaction depending on digital banking and mobile platforms improvement.
Keywords: Automated Teller Machine Services, Online Banking Services, Mobile Banking Services, Satisfaction Levels, Goshen Finance PLC, Micro Finance Institutions
CITATION: Ntirenganya J. P., & Twesigye, D. (2022). Contribution of digital banking and mobile platforms on MFIS relationship with the customers in Rwanda. (Case study of Goshen Finance PLC Musanze Branch). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1651 – 1663.
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