This thesis investigated the effect of government bureaucracy on service delivery in state-owned enterprises within the energy sector in Kenya. It particularly aimed at establishing the influence of leadership hierarchy, Actors’ interest, policy compliance and political environment on service delivery in State-owned enterprises. Further, the thesis analysed the moderating role of working environment on the effect of government bureaucracy on delivery of services. The target population was 124 suppliers, 5,107 end-user consumers, 1,817 employees in KPLC plus 480 employees in REREC and 30 employees in the Energy regulator (EPRA). A sample of 380 individuals/households was selected using a two-stage random sampling procedure comprising of proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Empirical data were gathered using semi-structured questionnaire. The findings of thesis demonstrated that leadership hierarchy, actor’s interest, policy compliance and political environment positively affect delivery of services. Additionally, the study found out that working environment moderates the effect of government bureaucracy on delivery of services. Management of state owned enterprises should enact policies to reinforce practices on aspects of leadership power, leadership motivation and leadership delegation. It was recommended that a policy framework be formulated for promoting activities relating actors’ participation, decision making and efficient flow of information in state owned enterprises. Audit divisions in state owned enterprises should strengthen the existing policy framework to sufficiently embed practices that foster culture of compliance with rules and regulations, work instructions and personnel selection. The board of management of the state-owned enterprises within the energy sector should initiate mechanisms for cushioning from disruptive interference of interest groups with potential to erode operational efficiency and ability to actualize service delivery outcomes. The human resource divisions of state owned enterprises ought to enact policy the buttress mutual trust, team spirit, sharing of information, openness, and sense of belonging. In addition, sufficient resources should be availed for strengthening information and communication infrastructure as one of the critical support system for enhancing the processes of value creation and delivery.
Key Words: Working Environment, Government Bureaucracy, Service Delivery
CITATION: Chewa, J., Minja, D., & Njoroge, J. G. (2023). Moderating effect of working environment on government bureaucracy and service delivery in state owned enterprises in the energy sector in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1 – 20.
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