US-Africa summit leaders’ session on partnering on the African unions Agenda 2063 held in Washington on December 15, 2022 US president Joe Biden announced that he would support the African Union joining the G20 group of large or major economies as a permanent member part of Washington’s effort to reinvigorate ties with a region that has taken a back seat to other priorities in recent years. India holds the presidency of the G20 from December 2022 to November 30 2023. Brazil would host the G20 in 2024 followed by South Africa in 2025. The group of twenty (G20) was formed in 1999 and was originally a meeting the ministers of finance and governors of central banks in the effort to broaden the discussion of policies that are beneficial for reasoning the global economic and financial crisis. The group of twenty (G20) is the premier forum for interpretation economic cooperation. The G20 leaders’ summit 2022 convened under the Indonesian presidency focused on three pillars; Global Health Architecture, Sustainable Energy Transition and Digital Transformation through these pillars Indonesia will continue to take the lead on ensuring equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines, promoting sustainable and inclusive economic development through MSMEs participation and digital economy. The African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063 “The Africa We Want” has defined a vision and action plan for the continent’s sustainable socio-economic transformation. Its first 10-year implementation strategy was adopted by the AU Summit in 2015. Africa also has a strong commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that heads of state and government decided upon at the UN Summit in September 2015. The Agenda 2063 as well as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should define the engagement between the G20 and Africa. At the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September 2016, G20-leaders adopted the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda reaffirming their commitment to align their work with the 2030 Agenda and to enhance policy coherence for sustainable development. Building on the achievements of the Chinese presidency, the German G20 presidency intended to foster G20 cooperation and partnership with Africa. From the Rwandan aspect it can be seen Rwanda harnessed the G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) initiative as a framework to accelerate and consolidate its economic transformation agenda in line with the country’s Vision 2050. The CwA will enable Rwanda to develop its infrastructure, grow the private sector, eradicate poverty, expand its middle class and increase inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI). All the economic stakeholders are enthusiastic about the direction and potential of the CwA in Rwanda so far. Initial analysis shows a strong take-off in the country in the development of the macroeconomic, business and financial frameworks of the compact. The Rwandese case proves that a reform culture capital is an asset that surpasses the availability of natural resources. Yet despite its reform-centred leadership and its status as a reform-based role model, it is unlikely that Kigali would be able to influence the region, let alone the entire continent.
Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable economic development, goals, G20
CITATION: Rwigema, P. C. (2023). G20 and African Union development: Building alliances for sustainable development. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 38 – 79.
Full Text:
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Resources for more information about cluster development and SEZs
IFC SEZ Deep Dive
GDLN on Cluster Development and SEZs: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/WBIPROGRAMS/ICLP/0,,contentMDK:220248
North Africa
Algeria: www.mppi.dz/privatisation.asp www.andi.dz
Egypt: www.ahram.org.eg/hebdo/arab/ahram/2001/3/21/doss0.htm www.gafi.gov.eg/
Morocco: www.mcinet.gov.ma/mciweb/zonesindustrielles/rehabilitation.htm www.ccist.gov.ma
Tunisia: www.investintunisia.tn www.industrie.gov.tn
Sub-Saharan Africa
Cape Verde: www.virtualcapeverde.net/capeverdeusaembassy/InvestmentInvestinCapeVerde.ppt
Cameroon: www.izf.net/izf/ee/pro/index_frameset.asp?url=http://www.izf.net/IZF/EE/pro/ cameroun/6082.asp
Côte d'Ivoire: www.icongrouponline.com/browse/EntrySS/0741825309.html
Gabon: www.otal.com/walnabr03f.htm
Ghana: www.gfzb.com/ www.ghana.gov.gh/investing/free_zones.php
Kenya: www.epzakenya.com/default.asp
Lesotho: www.lndc.org.ls
Malawi: www.malawi-invest.net/index.htm
Mali: www.cnpi-mali.org/index.html www.ametrade.org
Mozambique: www.refer.org/miroirs/mrice_ct/cop/moumoz/inves.htm
Namibia: www.republicofnamibia.com/export.htm www.globalpolicynetwork.org/research/namibia/jauch.pdf
Nigeria: www.nipc-nigeria.org http://www.nepza.org
Senegal: www.izf.net/izf/ee/pro/indexframeset.asp?url=http://www.izf.net/izf/EE/pro/senegal/6082.asp
South Africa: www.coega.co.za/
Rwanda:https://rdb.rw/departments/sez-and-exports/#:~:text=Rwanda's%20SEZ%20program %20is%20designed,bureaucracy%20and%20availability%20of%20skills.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i1.2527
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