ICT is a key driver of economic growth, providing a boost of GDP growth in developing countries. The investment in broadband promotes competition, innovation and market growth. If well used, Optical fiber infrastructure has the potential to transform livelihoods as an enabler for economic and social growth. In low and middle income economies, a 10% growth in broadband penetration yields an additional 1.38 of GDP growth and for every 1 per cent increase in broadband penetration, productivity grows by 0.13%. Again, ICT broadband penetration has a positive impact on employment creation, data Indicates that employment growth varies widely, from 0.2 per cent to 5.32 per cent for every increase in 1 per cent of penetration. Suffice is to say, underutilization of the optical fiber backbone infrastructure project leaves a lot to be desired. The specific objectives of the study sought to examine how stakeholder participation, human resource capacity, government policy and implementation strategy influence utilization of Optical fiber infrastructure in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The study targeted 35 top management staff of Orange telecom involved in maintenance of the optical fiber for backbone connectivity across major towns, 8 county government ICT directors (Kilifi, Mombasa, Kwale, Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, TaitaTaveta and Nairobi), 10 ICT board members involved in development of ICT policy and 20 managers of public and private institutions utilizing the project along Mombasa-Nairobi. A census was carried out by use of questionnaires to collect primary data. Secondary data was obtained from published documents. A pilot study was conducted using data collection instruments and SPSS V21 and Excel were used to analyse the collected qualitative and quantitative data. The study further adopted regression analysis at 5% level of significance to determine strength and direction of the relationship of the variables under study. The analysis showed that stakeholder participation had the strongest positive (Pearson correlation coefficient =.667) influence on effective utilization of ICT infrastructure projects. In addition, human resource capacity, implementation strategy and government policy were positively correlated to effective utilization of ICT infrastructure with Pearson correlation coefficient of .609, .601 and .555 with p-values of .020, .028, .009 and .037 respectively. The study established that stakeholder participation was the most significant factor. The study recommends that human resource capacity needs to enhanced for effective utilization of Optical Fiber infrastructure. There is need to have adequate technical staff to ensure that there is efficiency in theutilization of Optical Fiber infrastructurein the organization.The organizations need to adopt an ICT infrastructure implementation strategic plan for effective utilization of Optical Fiber infrastructure. The national ICT policy should articulate a strategic utilization roadmap for the deployed optical fiber ICT infrastructure.The study recommends that similar studies to be undertaken for other ICT infrastructure projects for generalization of the findings of this study.
Key Words: Stakeholder Participation, Human Resource Capacity, Government Policy, Implementation Strategy, Effective Utilization Of Broadband Infrastucture Projects
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