Employees are the life-blood of an organization. It is expected that their conduct must be in tandem with the rules and policies of their organization if such an organization want to be effective in the accomplishment of its goal and objectives. The study examined the relationship between workplace discipline and organizational effectiveness: a conceptual review. It was discovered that unfair management practices, lack of adequate supervision of employees and nepotism pertaining to critical issues are the major causes of indiscipline among employees in Nigeria organizations. Also, the study revealed that the commonly workplace disciplinary measures used to address indiscipline are preventive, corrective and progressive. The paper identified that proper disciplinary measures increases effectiveness of organizations in the attainment of its goals and been time cautious in achieving them. Furthermore, it was found that the enforcement of sanctions and penalties on violators, responsive and sound leadership and giving attention to employees’ needs and grievances are the most effective ways of maintaining discipline in the organization which help in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the actualization of its goal and objectives in service delivery and business success. Based on this, the study recommended that Management should attend swiftly to the yearnings and grievances of its workforce in other to achieve set goals. Management should try as much as possible to create opportunities that would meet the needs of their employees. This would go a long way to spur oneness and adherence of rules and requirements.
Keywords: Workplace, Discipline, Workplace discipline, Organizational effectiveness, Goal attainment, Timeliness, Preventive, Corrective, Progressive Measures.
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Emeh, N. K. (2023). Workplace discipline and organizational effectiveness: A conceptual review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 304 – 314.
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