This study investigated the influence of customer care strategies on the performance of insurance firms in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was underpinned by customer service theory, resource-based theory of the firm, and the role theory of customer service. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. The study targeted insurance firms in Kiambu County, Kenya. A census method was utilized to identify the respondents. The study made utilization of primary data that was acquired through questionnaires. The Cronbach alpha coefficient test was performed to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaires, and content validity was utilized to assure the validity of the study instrument. To examine quantitative data, descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation were employed, and the results were displayed as tables and figures. To demonstrate the relationship between the variables, inferential statistics like regression and correlation analysis were employed. The study found that communication to customers, personalized customer relationship, customer training and claims management had a positive significant effect on the performance of insurance firms in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study came to the conclusion that for insurance firms, client communication is the most important element of the customer experience. Personalized engagement holds the key to connecting with insurance customers. Customers have the confidence that in the event of a problem, customer service will be used to increase customer pleasure, which will ultimately result in their contentment. Insurance customers anticipate swift and satisfactory claim resolution from their provider. The results recommended that in order to overcome the difficulties businesses experience, insurance companies should implement customer communication management platforms. Based on the person's demands and circumstances, the insurance providers should offer special deals, advice, and services. To increase their familiarity with their insurance plans and lower the frequency of claims, insurance firms should offer their clients a thorough, individualized experience. Information-intensive procedures can be digitalized to cut costs and speed up turnaround. This will make it possible to comply with regulations, obtain access to more structured data, and access important corporate documents.
Key Words: Communication to Customers, Personalized Customer Relationship, Customer Care Training, Claims management
CITATION: Mungai J. K., & Wanjohi F. M., (2023). Corporate governance and financial performance of commercial banks listed at the NSE, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 18 – 35.
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