Job satisfaction is a feeling of enjoyment or fulfilment which employees derive from their job or view their work. Supervisors should concentrate about employees’ job satisfaction level as this leads to contentment associated with a job; hence, liking a job intensely, ultimate result is normally the experience of high job satisfaction. Dislike of a job intensely, one experiences job-dissatisfaction. Culture on the other side defines how or the way things are done around. Organizational culture can be defined as the pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people in organizations behave and things get done. ‘Values’ refer to what is believed to be important about how people and organizations behave. Organization’s environment has a significant effect on employees’ satisfaction; therefore, the need for emphasis on management to improve the work environment of employees to boost productivity as this would enhance job satisfaction. This study focused on organizational factors and employee job satisfaction at the County Government of Busia; Kenya. The study relied on reinforcement theory, expectancy theory and equity theory. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of organizational values on employee job satisfaction at the County Government of Busia; Kenya. The study employed descriptive cross sectional survey. Target population included employees of County Government of Busia; Kenya, sampling frame applied was employees from County Government of Busia Ministry offices, the technique of sampling was proportionate sampling technique. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire and piloting was taken at the County Government of Busia employees who were not part of the major study. The descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 24 (SPSS) software. The findings are represented using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and graphs and inferential results. From the regression results, the study found that the organizational values had an effect on job satisfaction at the County Government of Busia; Kenya. The researcher therefore recommended that counties should develop well-structured Organizational Values to enhance the employee’s wellbeing and sense of belonging. This would lead to employee commitment thus feeling satisfied with their job.
Key words: Organizational Values, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction
CITATION: Acheha, P., & Juma, D. (2023). Organizational values on employee job satisfaction at the county government of Busia; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 96 –109.
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