The ICT strategy is paramount in determining how ICT is integrated and consequently support organizations vision, mission, and objectives. This study explored Information Communication Technology strategy implementation on performance of Murang’a Huduma Center-Kenya. The objectives of the study were; To establish the effect of a communication plan on performance of Huduma Centre in Murang’a County, to determine the extent of ICT aided decision making on performance of Huduma Centre in Murang’a County, and to determine the effects ICT governance on performance of Huduma Centre in Murang’a County. This study was guided by three theories which the researcher found relevant because they have many aspects related to the variables of the study and the objectives. These theories were; Technology Acceptance Model, Resource Based View theory and the Knowledge based theory. The study used a descriptive research design and employed a qualitative approach. It targeted employees of Murang’a Huduma Center. A systematic random sampling technique was used and a sample size of 50 employees was identified for the study. A structured questionnaire (closed and open-ended) was the instruments of measure used to collect data. The data collected was cleaned, coded and analyzed using descriptive and thematic analysis. The study found that Communication Plan, ICT decision making, ICT governance and ICT infrastructure have positive effect on performance of Huduma center. The study concluded that organizations should consider the ICT as a pillar of all the artificial intelligence that an organization needs to adopt to spur growth to attain its goals and objectives. This study therefore recommended that organizations should strive to conduct research and development to employ cost effective ICT infrastructure which would lead to enhance systems security, data storage during ICT strategy implementation and increase the service delivery to great levels.
Key Words: Communication Plan, ICT Aided Decision Making, ICT Governance, Public Service Delivery
CITATION: Kimemia, B. W., & Amuhaya, J. (2023). Information communication technology strategy implementation on performance of Huduma Centre. A case study of Murang’a County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 167 –181.
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