Higher Education in post-independence Kenya from 1963 to 2015 has undergone through a lot of changes characterized by rapid expansion both in terms of students’ enrolment and in sharp increase in the number of both private and public universities against a backdrop of diminishing financial support. The study aimed at determining the effects of change management strategy on performances in Public Universities in Kenya (PU-K) with reference to the Technical University of Kenya (TUK). The study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the effect of Change communication strategies, to establish the effects of change leadership strategy, to analyze the effect of change planning strategy, and to determine the effect of change execution strategy on performance in Public Universities in Kenya with reference to Technical University of Kenya. The study adopted case study research design. The population was divided into set or strata and which was mutually exclusive. The study population was 215 employee of the Technical University of Kenya. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of 140 respondents consisting of University Management Board Staff (i.e Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Executive Deans and Executive Directors), Directors of Academic and Administrative centres, Heads of Academic and Administration Departments. The study used the questionnaire as the data collection instrument. The researcher carried out a pilot study of 10 subjects to pretest and validates the questionnaire. Quantitative data collected analyzed using SPSS (Version 20) and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. Content analysis was used to test data that was qualitative in nature or aspect of the data collected from the open ended questions. The study concluded that communication strategy had significant effects on performance of the TUK. Through effective leadership, the leaders clearly outlined the strategy for change in TUK, they were clear on university mission for change and leaders articulated management vision for change that influenced performance at TUK to a great extent. Finally the study concluded that the change planning strategy had positive impact and change execution strategy impacted positively on performance of the Technical University of Kenya. The study demonstrated that management strategies impacted most positively on Service delivery, Innovation/Application and automation, satisfaction and resolution of public complaints and increased student enrollment and student graduation rates. The management of the institution should enhance utilization of change communication strategy as it had a greater positive impact on performance of the Technical University of Kenya.
Key Words: Change communication strategy, Change Leadership Strategy, Change planning strategy, Change Execution Strategy, Performance
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