Digital transformation strategy refers to a detailed plan of adoption of digital tools and methods by an organization. Innovation, creativity, and digital transformation have been gradually transforming societies for decades. Extant literature from a number of studies, opinion pieces and publications from practitioner outlets present recorded benefits of digitalization from businesses that chose to adopt the use of ICTs to radically change the way they do their businesses. These studies revealed that success from digital transformation attempt is recognized when firms manage to make necessary adjustments to their business and digital strategies, organizational structure, culture as well as their processes. In the recent past, the Kenyan government has found itself under pressure from its citizens to increase its digital transformation to aid the provision of services. Building upon findings of previous studies this review paper employed Altimeter’s framework in categorizing and ranking critical success factors for successful implementation of digital transformation strategies in Kenya’s public service. The review identified 26 factors from different articles and categorized them into 8. The identification of these factors were based on key words to search relevant articles for review. The findings indicated that processes and technology should be given top priority in order to sustain transformation and public value while execution, insight and intent received low ranking. This paper may be useful to policy makers in the public sector in Kenya as it may help in the identification of critical success factors in the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies.
Key words: Critical Success Factors, Digital Transformation, Digitization, Public Service
CITATION: Koech, D. & Bett, A. (2023). Identifying the critical success factors for digital transformation strategy in the public service: Evidence from Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 237 –246.
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