The primary purpose of this study was to determine the influence of public financial management in healthcare service delivery in devolved government in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the influence of financial planning practices, internal control practices, revenue mobilization practices and corporate governance practices on healthcare service delivery in Kenya. The key model shaping this study was the best fit model. The study employed a cross-sectional research design, which helped in looking at the association between public financial management practices’ variables and delivery of healthcare services. The study population targeted administrators and doctors from all counties. These included CECs - Health, Level 5 CEOs and Level 4 doctors-in-charge. This study employed both purposive and simple stratified random sampling technique to choose its sample. Primary data was collected using questionnaires, which were distributed to the officers selected to participate in the study. Questionnaires were the main data collection tool from the respondents. Multiple regression models were used for the purpose of analysing data (descriptive and inferential statistics) using SPSS Version 23 software. The findings of the study were presented using tables. The study found that financial planning practices, internal control practices, revenue mobilization practices and corporate governance practices had significant influence on devolved healthcare service delivery in Kenya. Hence, the study recommended that public financial management processes should have a substantial impact on service delivery outcomes because they affect how county governments and health care facilities are able to operate. Kenya’s central and county-level governments should consider the following policy recommendations to improve the management of public funds in the health sector.
Keyword: Financial Planning Practices, Internal Control Practices, Revenue Mobilization Practices, Corporate Governance
CITATION: Igweta, N. N., Matanda, J., &Nasieku, T. (2023). Public financial management and devolved health care service delivery in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 247 –259.
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