This study investigated the effects of implementing the strategic plan on the organization's performance at the Kenyan National Social Security Fund. The sample size, as determined by Slovin's statistical method, was 36 individuals. Proportions of the sample were distributed using stratified random sampling. A semi structured survey utilizing Likert scale questions was used to collect primary data, while secondary data was obtained from journal articles and NSSF performance reports. In order to assess the data tools' validity and internal consistency, a pilot test was conducted. Data from the survey were analysed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis were performed on the data. Charts and frequency tables were used to present the results as necessary. The study findings revealed that strategic resource allocation, organizational culture, strategic articulation, and strategic communication were positively related to organizational performance. Further, the regression model was found to be significant with model validity significance less than 0.05. Organization performance is moderately related to the implementation of strategic plans (R) in the model summary. The study concluded that based on the overall mean for strategic resource allocation, NSSF practice of strategic resource allocation is moderate. The study concluded that based on the overall mean for organization culture, pension fund practice of organization culture is moderate. The study concluded that based on the overall mean for strategic articulation, pension fund practice of strategic articulation is moderate. The study concluded that based on the overall mean for strategic communication, pension fund practice of strategic communication is large extent. The study advocated that the management of NSSF ought to ensure time allocation of funds to facilitate strategic plans implementation. The pension fund managers should deploy technological resources during the strategic plan’s execution. This would ensure success in the execution process. In addition, the organization should provide continuous training to its employees on how to carry out strategic plans and the management should avail necessary physical resources to assist in implementing strategic plans.
Key Words: Organizational Culture, Strategic Articulation, Strategic Communication, Strategic Resource Allocation, National Social Security Fund
CITATION: Mbuthia, M. M., & Ragui, M. (2023). Strategic plan implementation and organizational performance of National Social Security Fund in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 411–424.
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