Organizations have realized the importance of procurement performance being of value as a measure of operations; hence, it is necessary of establishing and maintaining competitive advantage for success and development. Procurement performance is regarded as the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement functions in an organization. Supplier’s development practice is considered as one of the aspect that can enhance organization competitive advantage which eventually results to effective organization performance. The objective of the study was evaluate the effect of Supplier’s Technical Capability on procurement performance of County Government of Bomet; Kenya. This study employed descriptive research design. The target population of this study composed of senior officers directly linked to decision making on procurement matters in the County Government of Bomet, Kenya. Census technique was applied on the population and the entire targeted population was put under consideration since it is manageable. The study used structured questionnaire as an instrument of primary data collection. The study focused on descriptive and inferential statistics that was analyzed and computed by use of SPSS version 24. Descriptive statistics involved computation of mean, frequencies and standard deviations of the primary data and inferential statistics dealt with correlation of variables and determination of regression model. The study concluded that Supplier’s Technical Capability had effect on Procurement Performance. The recommendation of the study was the County Government to embrace Supplier’s Technical Capability since procurement performance would be enhanced and further research should be conducted to find the strength of Supplier’s Technical Capability on Procurement Performance.
Key words: Supplier’s Technical Capability, Supplier Development Practices, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Kiptoo, C. R., & Miroga, J. (2023). Supplier’s technical capability on procurement performance of county government of Bomet, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 462–472.
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