Corporate identity is a major area of concern that management of organizations need to lay emphasis on. It has been established that the performance of organizations in a dynamic and competitive market is dependent on the identity it creates within scope of influence, and this significantly affects its sustainable performance among its competitors. Based on this premise therefore the research wants to assess the impact of managing corporate identity on sustainable performance of beverage companies in Kenya. The study area was concentrated on the Coca Cola Company Limited. The study was then guided by the following objectives; to examine the impact of; management capabilities, organizational characteristics and environmental characteristics on the Sustainable Performance of the Coca-Cola Company in Kenya. The research design adopted for the study was a case study research design. The target population of the study comprised of 93 employees from different departments within the Coca-Cola Company. Data collection was aided using self-administered questionnaires through a drop and pick method. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using the SPSS version 26.0 and presented in form of tables, charts, and graphs. Multiple linear regression models were also used to determine the degree of relationship between the variables of the study.
Keyword: Managing Corporate Identity, Sustainable Organizational Performance, Management Capabilities, Organizational Characteristics, Environmental Characteristics
CITATION: Karogo, B., & Omwenga, J. (2023). Impact of managing corporate identity on sustainable organizational performance of beverage companies in kenya. A case of coca cola company limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 669–686.
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