Succession management facilitates identification and selection of talent to succeed existing employees in an organization's critical roles. Training is a key component in any organization as it helps equip workers with the necessary skills and knowledge for work performance. However, there has been little reflection on training from human needs perspective and its role in succession management. Using Human Capital Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, the study examined the role of training in succession management. The study adopted a descriptive survey design targeting all police officers in Nairobi City County, including Kenya Police Service (KPS), Administration Police Service (APS), and Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters. The sample size of 358 participants was selected using proportionate stratified random sampling and purposive sampling. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection tool, Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi Square test of independence to establish whether training as a succession tool influenced succession management. The findings revealed training was recognized as essential for organizational continuity and was viewed as a critical element in improving performance. The chi-square test of independence between Training and Performance revealed significant, effect of χ^2(2, N = 533) = 75.622, p < .001, indicating that there is a relationship between Training and Performance. Training was not only found to empower the police officers with knowledge and skills for service delivery, but also enables the officers achieve their personal goals thus enhancing the commitment to the organization and improved performance. Training could act as a catalyst for employee development that contributed significantly to the growth of organization.
Key Words: Training, Succession Management, performance
CITATION: Lesasuiyan, R., & Merecia, A. S. (2023). Training as a succession management tool and performance of National Police Service officers. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1326 – 1339.
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