This study probed the effect of ergonomic practices on worker effectiveness in the construction section in Kenya’s economy. The research specifically determined the effect of safety communication, safety tutorials, safety measure and safety resources on worker effectiveness. The study adopted descriptive research approach and the population targeted was 400 employees of China Road and Bridge Corporation Kenya Limited which included top management, middle level manager and casual labourer’s respondents that were selected proportionately from various cadres. Stratified proportionate random sampling techniques was applied to highlight the respondents. The study sampled a total of 200 respondents where Top management (20), Middle management (40), and Casual laborers (140) were sampled. Questionnaires were used as a data collecting tools. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected which was subjected to thorough pilot test to do away with errors. Content validity was used to check the internal consistency of research instruments. While Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.7 was used to test the accuracy of research tools. Descriptive statistics was used to measure of central tendency while inferential statistics used multiple regression to determine link between the dependent and the independent variables. Data was presented in the form of means, percentages, frequencies and standard deviations where tables and charts were utilized. The coefficient of determination indicated that safety tutorials and safety precaution had a positive effect on the level of worker effectiveness while safety communication and safety resources had a negative effect. Nonetheless, the four variables had a combined positive effect on the level of worker effectiveness at the at the China Road and Bridge Corporation Kenya Limited. The study recommended that effective safety communication system should be implemented to help reduce accidents and injuries in the workplace. Also, the study highly recommended the use of tutorials to improve worker effectiveness. Further, the study recommended implementing safety precautions in the workplace as they have been proven to increase worker effectiveness. Finally, the study recommended that CRBC should re-evaluate its investment in safety resources to ensure that they are being translated into safe and effective employee environment to prevent waste of resources.
Key Words: Safety Communication, Safety Tutorials, Safety Measure, Safety Resources, Worker effectiveness
CITATION: Ong’uti, E. A., & Muli, J. (2023). Ergonomic practices and worker effectiveness in China Road and Bridge Corporation Kenya Limited, Nairobi City County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1340 – 1361.
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