This study established the effect of governance on project performance: A case of affordable housing projects in Kenya. The specific goals were to determine the effect of stakeholder management, project control, project monitoring and project accountability on project performance. The study used Agency theory and supported by Stakeholder theory. A descriptive research design was employed. The population was 165 project managers, project lead and project team members in charge of the affordable housing projects in Kenya. Stratified sampling method was employed to get the sample. The study sample size was 117 respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire was utilized to obtain primary data. Descriptive statistics like mean, percentages, frequencies, and standard deviation was used to analyse the data. To demonstrate the variables relationship multiple linear regression analysis was used. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used. Tables and figures were used to present the data. The study conformed to ethical considerations such participant voluntariness, confidentiality, and anonymity. The study revealed that stakeholder management had a significant and positive relationship with project performance. Project control had a significant and positive association with project performance. Project monitoring had a significant and positive association with project performance. Project accountability had a significant and positive association with project performance. The study recommended monitoring and evaluating the stakeholder engagements in order to make improvement to the available methods used in stakeholder management. Monitoring of stakeholder engagement is essential as it helps in determining whether stakeholder management during the project impacts the project performance positively or whether there is need for review. Project stakeholders may make the best decisions at the right time with the help of timely insights that come from connecting project control with the rest of project management. Project performance and project monitoring had a substantial and favourable link. The study suggested careful project monitoring to assist project managers in gathering important information about how a project is doing and in using the information to make informed decisions. Project success was significantly and favourably correlated with project responsibility. According to the study, accountability should be improved by clearly stating objectives so that project team members are aware of who is in charge of which project components.
Key Words: Stakeholder Management, Project Control, Project Monitoring, Project Accountability
CITATION: Mwangi, M. W., & Mutuku, M. (2023). Project governance and performance of affordable housing projects in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 315 – 333.
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