This study established the effect of TQM on performance of E-Claims Systems in medical insurance firms in Kenya; a case of NHIF, Kenya. The specific objectives were to establish the effect of leadership on performance of E-Claims systems in medical insurance firms in Kenya; to assess the effect of training on performance of E-Claims system in medical insurance firms in Kenya and to examine the effect of teamwork on performance of E-Claims Systems in medical insurance in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were guided by three variables: leadership practices, training interventions and teamwork activities. The study was guided by Public Value Theory and Stakeholders Theory which informed the study variables. The study adopted descriptive research design because the study was intended to gather quantitative and qualitative data, which described the effect of TQM and performance of E-Claims System in medical insurance firms in Kenya. The target population consisted of 300 employees drawn from NHIF. The study sample size relied on primary data collection. Data was analyzed using quantitative technique, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and regression analysis) as well as statistical package of social sciences (SPSS version 21.0) to develop regression model for the study. The study findings established that there is significant positive relationship between leadership practices, training interventions, teamwork activities and performance of E-Claims Systems. The study recommended that government should help in formulating policies and laws that govern public sector organizations whose main mandate is service delivery to ensure quality of service to customers. The study further indicated that further studies should be undertaken to determine the extent of how other total quality management practices can influence performance of the e claims systems in medical insurance. Further studies should also be done in the private insurance firms for comparative analysis.
Key Words: Total Quality Management, Leadership, Training and Teamwork, Performance
CITATION: Echulet, E., Kirima, L., Owino, M., & Obunga, F. (2023). Total quality management on performance of electronic claims systems in medical insurance firms in Kenya: A case of National Health Insurance Fund, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 347 – 366.
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