This study evaluated the effect of strategy implementation drivers on organizational performance of star rated hotels in Mombasa County. The target population encompasses 50 general managers and 87 operational managers within the 50 selected hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study utilized cross-sectional study design. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample size of 102. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 28. The study found that the respondents had a strong positive perception of the presence of Infrastructure Quality in their respective star rated hotels. According to the study, the respondents strongly indicated a presence of Competitor Analysis in their respective star rated hotels. The respondents strongly agreed that the star rated hotels had Technological Advancements, with moderately varied responses. The respondents believed that revenue management enhances the firms' operations, facilitates communication with customers, and promoted prompt feedback to enhance organizational performance. In conclusion, this study underscored the vital influence of Infrastructure Quality, Competitor Analysis, Technological Advancements, and Revenue Management on the performance of star-rated hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya. The findings emphasized the necessity for strategic investments and enhancements in these areas to optimize organizational performance. Improving infrastructure, engaging in effective competitor analysis, leveraging technological advancements, and implementing robust revenue management strategies are pivotal steps for hotels to remain competitive and achieve sustainable growth in the hospitality industry of Mombasa County and similar settings. The study recommended that managers should align their strategies with local drivers, rapidly adapt to industry changes, and prioritize employee training and motivation. Secondly, policymakers should encourage infrastructure, marketing, and technological advancements in hotels through incentives and conducive business environments. Lastly, within industry practice, investing in technology, marketing, and revenue management is vital for improved performance and competitiveness in the market. Additionally, hotels should emphasize sustainability and personalized guest experiences to attract environmentally conscious travellers and enhance their reputation.
Key Terms: Competitor Analysis, Revenue management, Infrastructure Quality, Technological Advancements
CITATION: Thoya, H., & Mutuku, B. (2023). Strategy implementation drivers and performance of star rated hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 273 – 289. Text:
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