The force of globalisation has increased, with competition becoming more intensive and resulting in the limited growth of sales and therefore profitability. This has forced organisations to look inwards on cost management measures. While strict control of staff costs has taken significant board-room attention, firms are only now realising the benefits that can accrue from more value-for-money supply chain management (SCM) especially through strategic leadership from the head of SCM. The main objective of this study therefore was to determine the role of head of supply chain in bank’s financial performance through policy formulation, procurement management, quality management and strategic cost management. Descriptive survey design was engaged to accomplish the study through the use of questionnaires as a tool for primary data collection. The census approach was adopted for this study and the questionnaires were administered to the head of supply chain and the deputy for all the 44 banks operating in Kenya. Secondary data on the financial performance of sampled banks was obtained from the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Qualitative data from open-ended questions was analysed using content analysis and presented through narratives. For quantitative data, the study employed regression analysis to estimate the causal relationships between factors under study for presentation through tables and charts. The study found that bank financial performance is impacted by the head of SCM through strategic cost management, formulation of comprehensive SCM policies as well as streamlined procurement management activities and quality management. The study recommends that the head of SCM should focus on strategic cost management, procurement management, policy formulation and quality management as channels to impact on bank financial performance. Strategic cost management is the most impactful tool through which the head of SCM influences financial performance.
Key Words: Policy Formulation, Procurement Management, Quality Management, Strategic Cost Management, Head of Supply Chain, Bank Performance
Full Text:
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